
Policy Details

Title: 02.01.004-Cohort Placement

Policy Number: 02.01.004

Policy Title: Cohort Placement

Status: Active


The institution begins a new cohort for each of its programs the second Monday of every month and offers to all applicants free temporary access to their respective program on a trial basis prior to their official enrollment. Due to these unique factors, once a student completes enrollment and is assigned an official admission processing date, the institution will determine whether the student should remain in their temporary access cohort or the next upcoming cohort according to an assessment of the following considerations:

• The date on which they complete enrollment (students may remain in the most recent previous cohort up to five (5) days after the start date of that cohort – Example: The October 2023 cohort start date is 10/9; students may remain in the October cohort if beneficial to the student up through 10/12)
• The number of assignments they complete during their free trial access (If the cohort the student was placed in during their free start period began no later than three days ago, a matrix determines the number of assignments that must be completed compared to the number of days they are beyond the start date to determine whether they may remain in their current cohort or should be moved to the next upcoming cohort).
• Corporate entity preferences (Example: A Training Partner, Employer Funded, or Externally Funded student may be granted enrollment into the most recent previous cohort at their employer/sponsor’s request when appropriate and mutually beneficial to the student)
• Student’s desired start month (identified on their application or if updated since then, identified on their Enrollment Record in CRM)

Last modified on: July 24, 2024