
Policy Details

Title: 02.01.100-Program Admission and Enrollment

Policy Number: 02.01.100

Policy Title: Program Admission and Enrollment

Status: Active


Program cohorts are initiated monthly. The institution does not operate on a traditional semester schedule.

The institution admits and enrolls students into programs. While some programs are comprised of only a single course, others include several courses.

Most programs are designed utilizing a stepwise curriculum which requires students to complete courses in a particular sequence, which has several important consequences.

1) If a student fails a particular course, the course must be re-attempted and successfully completed before the student will be allowed to proceed with the remaining curriculum.
2) No final grade will be assigned to individual courses in a program until the student completes the program in its entirety.
3) Because students are rarely engaged in more than one course at a time, a student admitted and enrolled in a certificate program is considered to be enrolled full time.

*Students who fail an individual course may reattempt the course one time at an additional expense. Students must work with Student Support personnel to schedule the second attempt and must begin the attempt within sixty calendar days of being notified of course failure or within 10 days of being granted course access, whichever is later. Reattempting a course does not automatically extend the maximum duration allowed for the entire program, and students are responsible for assessing their ability to complete the program in the available time remaining for their circumstances and seek approved extensions if necessary. Students being funded by employers, third parties or grant making agencies should be aware that these agencies may prohibit program timeline extensions.

Last modified on: July 24, 2024