
Policy Details

Title: 02.03.005-Satisfactory Academic Progress

Policy Number: 02.03.005

Policy Title: Satisfactory Academic Progress

Status: Active


Students are expected to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress when enrolled in a program.

Academic Progress may be evaluated using the following criteria:

Grade Criteria:
Students must demonstrate Satisfactory Academic Progress by maintaining a grade average of greater than 70% on all assignments presented through the LMS.
Students must demonstrate Satisfactory Academic Progress by achieving a grade at or above cut score on standardized examinations such as FISDAP, etc.

Maximum Program Length Criterion:
Each program includes a Maximum Program Duration (sometimes referred to as the Maximum Course Duration (MCD)). Students must demonstrate Satisfactory Academic Progress by completing their program of study within this maximum time frame, or by obtaining a pre-approved course extension that will not exceed 150% of the Maximum Program Duration.

Pace Criteria:

Assignment Deadlines
Students must demonstrate Satisfactory Academic Progress by meeting any deadlines presented in the course syllabus or included as a part of the Learning Management System (Canvas).

Students must demonstrate Satisfactory Academic Progress by maintaining a Momentum Score of .70 or above. A Momentum Score is calculated for each student, which provides an indication of the student’s overall progress in completing program assignments and is expressed numerically to one decimal place. A score of 1.0 indicates that the student is progressing at a rate that should allow for the timely completion of program assignments.

Minimum Activity
A Minimum Activity Policy (MAP) is expressed for each program within the course/program syllabi. Students must demonstrate Satisfactory Academic Progress by maintaining compliance with all Minimum Activity Policy criteria.

Positive Affect Criterion:
Appropriate affect is a Critical Criterion for Satisfactory Academic Progress. A Critical Criterion, if breached, acts as a programmatic Pass/Fail criterion that may be judged independently of all other criteria and therefore result in course or program failure. Put succinctly, breach of a Critical Criterion could cause a student to fail regardless of the student's demonstrated success in any other respect. Inappropriate affect might include but is not limited to, display of academic dishonesty; use of derisive language in an educational context; failure to appear at scheduled field experiences, clinical experiences, or labs; use of bullying or intimidating tactics with educational stakeholders; etc.

Special Circumstances:
If at any point during the student's tenure in a course or program the student has been granted furloughs, extensions, or other accommodating course modifications by the Teaching Team, then the Teaching Team has sole discretion to determine what constitutes satisfactory Academic Progress for the remainder of that course or program.

Last modified on: July 24, 2024