
Policy Details

Title: 02.04.002-Compliance - Clinical Requirements

Policy Number: 02.04.002

Policy Title: Compliance - Clinical Requirements

Status: Active


Every student enrolled in an Axon EMS program must register for and complete Clinical Experiences and Field Experiences. In order to be eligible to register for these experiences, the student must have submitted all required Compliance Documents, to include all Admission Compliance documents in addition to the following Clinical Compliance Documents:
*Personal Fitness Attestation signed by the student
*Ten-Panel Drug Screening (with negative results)*
*Certificate of Completion of an American Heart Association approved Basic Life Saving (BLS) course. (Exception: may be completed at the first face-to-face skills lab)
*TDaP vaccination (Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis)
*MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) vaccination
*Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccination
*Hepatitis B vaccination
*Tetanus vaccination
*TB-Tuberculosis vaccination**
*Influenza vaccination (Seasonal: October-May)***
All immunizations and vaccinations must be current at the date of application and must remain current for the duration of the student’s involvement in the program.
* A drug screen yielding a presumptive positive test result causes a student to be disqualified from participating in any clinical or field experience which will lead to a student being assigned an overall failing grade in the course. If the positive test result is due to a legally prescribed medication, it becomes the responsibility of the student to provide documentation of the prescription, and if necessary, undergo an enhanced version of the drug test at the student’s own expense. If a Presumptive Positive result is obtained on a drug screen, the student or candidate for enrollment is responsible for contacting the agency which completed the initial drug screen to seek official clearance. It is the student's responsibility to bear all costs associated with obtaining a more definitive test result or securing an explanation from a qualified Medical Review Officer (MRO) from the testing organization.
** TB is considered current if obtained within one year of submission
*** Influenza is considered current if obtained after August 1st of the current year or at any time in the previous 12 months, whichever is later. This ensures the student has received the seasonally appropriate vaccine.

The proof/documentation for all these requirements is due by the student's Compliance Deadline. Students will be given 30 days beyond their cohort start date to submit all required compliance documents and achieve Full Enrollment. Failure to submit all required compliance documents by the assigned compliance deadline may result in the Administrative Cancellation of the student’s enrollment.
A student’s compliance deadline will be adjusted accordingly if the student is allowed to change to a later cohort.

Students will receive detailed instructions on how to provide this documentation, but in every case, a student may complete the requirement by emailing documents to using the email address they used to register for the course.

Last modified on: July 24, 2024