
Policy Details

Title: 02.08.001-Minimum Activity Policy

Policy Number: 02.08.001

Policy Title: Minimum Activity Policy

Status: Active


Each program has a Minimum Activity Policy (MAP) articulated in the course syllabus. If a MAP is not explicitly articulated in the syllabus for a particular course, then students are subject to the institutional MAP which is described below:

A student’s minimum activity is evaluated each Monday for the preceding seven days (Monday through Sunday). Minimum activity includes:

1. That the student is not behind on any course deadline, AND

2. Any one or more of the following:
a. The student has logged in to the Learning Management System.
b. The student has attended a face-to-face session such as a Skills Lab.
c. The student has participated in a Field Experience and completed the necessary documentation for the experience.
d. The student has participated in a Clinical Experience and completed the necessary documentation for the experience.
e. The student has participated in a tutoring session.
f. The student has participated in a documented Student Success Call.
g. The student has attempted a Readiness Exam (FISDAP).

Last modified on: July 24, 2024