
Policy Details

Title: 02.08.004-Momentum

Policy Number: 02.08.004

Policy Title: Momentum

Status: Active


A Momentum Score is calculated weekly for each student in each program or course. The calculation traditionally occurs on Mondays for the previous seven days. The Momentum Score may or may not be reported to the student each week.

The Momentum Score is used to help identify students who are "At Risk" and reward those who are highly engaged with the course.

The Momentum Score is based upon online activity such as logging in, time spent on task, and completion of assignments. It is therefore a transient indicator of engagement, and it is not an indicator of quality of work. It is not a grade, and therefore may not be relied upon to directly predict a student's final grade. The Momentum Score is generally only calculated during the Maximum Instructional Period of the course or program.

High Momentum Scores are used to reward students by the issuance of badges. Low Momentum Scores are used to identify students as At Risk, which may trigger requirements for remedial course work, participation in Student Success calls, tutoring sessions, etc.

Last modified on: July 24, 2024