
Policy Details

Title: 04.01.101-General Payment Policy

Policy Number: 04.01.101

Policy Title: General Payment Policy

Status: Active


In order to achieve Conditional (or in some cases, Full Enrollment), students utilizing a payment plan must pay a minimum of the initial payment amount specified in the signed Enrollment Agreement and complete their payment plan application with TFC Tuition Finance.

Students paying the entire cost of the program in full and in advance may be eligible for an advance-payment rebate upon successful completion of their program/course and will achieve Conditional (or in some cases, Full Enrollment) upon signing their Enrollment Agreement and submitting full payment to for their program cost.

The allowable number of installments and an estimated amount of each installment is included in the student’s signed Enrollment Agreement. Installments (beyond the Initial Payment) are due on the date prescribed on the completed finance agreement beginning with the second full month that the student is in the program. Installments are due whether or not the student has received a statement.

The financially responsible parties of Employer and External Funded students are subject to either net-30 or net-60 terms based upon funding type. Financial arrangements for these students is determined by the institution’s Corporate Accounts department.

Failure to meet financial obligations to the institution may result in the delinquent account being placed with a collection agency. Students are responsible for all attorney fees and other collection costs incurred by the institution in collecting on accounts. Students with amounts more than 30 days past due may be administratively removed from the course(s).

Last modified on: July 24, 2024